Hold Strong
It’s the last day of October, generally one of the busiest months of the year for me. This year was no different. Tonight the demons and ghouls come out, but for some of us the demons never really go away. They wear a cloak of shadow, waiting, and hunting for the opportunity to sneak in.
The darkness is here to do battle on almost a daily basis. At one point I thought I’d be able to cast it away. That success would overtake it and I’d be content. I realized that this hooded figure will always hold a vigil over my life. Shrugging it off in an inattentive manner is a weak and ineffective action. This is something that must be faced head on.
I am thankful to have the sports of strength as an outlet and something I can be really competitive in. Picking up barbells and moving objects was something I strived to be good at and it has been present in a majority of my identity for over 15 years. It really gave me the chance to face these monsters and when I failed, I always came back and tried again. Every year, I understand more and more about training hard for life as well as performance. You have to commit and be ready to stand strong when everything falls apart. And stay present as you rebuild with the same hunger and grit.
That’s freaking passion! Keep that fire burning hot. It should be pursued with intensity. Do not set it aside for lesser and more comfortable circumstances. Do not succumb to status quo’s or the rhetoric of others. Become happy with the present and enjoy the journey. I struggled with this even recently and maintaining that perspective is difficult. But I realize that this is a process I’ll never get to experience again.
So whether it’s holding on for 10 more seconds or grinding it out for 10 years, embrace all that goes into that. Go out and attack! Are you predator or prey? You get to choose. Be the hunter and hold strong.